Siapa yang belum kenal sama Uber? Yuk kenalan dulu sama apps yang super berguna ini.
Uber is an american company yang mendevelop suatu aplikasi smartphone dengan nama yang sama. Dengan apps ini kita bisa order mobil (non taxi) untuk mengantar kita ke tujuan.
Saat kita order, kita bisa pilih mau pakai UberX atau UberBlack. UberX is the regular, biasanya mobil yang muncul Xenia, Avanza, atau Ertiga. UberBlack lebih premium (alias lebih mahal), biasanya yang keluar minimal Innova (gak pernah order jg sih jd not really sure. Katanya sih kalau hoki bisa dapet mercy gitu).
Well, so far I am in love with Uber, let me tell you why :
1. Cheaper fare
Ini adalah alasan utama kenapa gue demen bener sama uber, lebih murah bok timbang naik taxi. Secara rumah gue kan di ujung dunia ya, penting banget deh nih rate murah. For comparison, dr kantor ke rumah naik taxi blue bird usually takes about 75-80 ribu, naik uber cuman 50ribuan. Still lebih murah dr taxi tarif bawah yg kl ke rumah gw bisa 65-70ribuan. Paling penting!
Ini adalah alasan utama kenapa gue demen bener sama uber, lebih murah bok timbang naik taxi. Secara rumah gue kan di ujung dunia ya, penting banget deh nih rate murah. For comparison, dr kantor ke rumah naik taxi blue bird usually takes about 75-80 ribu, naik uber cuman 50ribuan. Still lebih murah dr taxi tarif bawah yg kl ke rumah gw bisa 65-70ribuan. Paling penting!
2. Transparent Fare
Gak kayak taxi tembakan, farenya Uber jelas, gak ada nego2an. Waktu kita order, Uber juga akan kasih estimasi biayanya berapa. Tips kalo gak ngasih juga gpp, normatif kok untuk gak kasih tip. Lagi itu saya pernah kasih tip 10rb krn kasian sama drivernya, yaoloh itu senengnya kayak apaan.
Gak kayak taxi tembakan, farenya Uber jelas, gak ada nego2an. Waktu kita order, Uber juga akan kasih estimasi biayanya berapa. Tips kalo gak ngasih juga gpp, normatif kok untuk gak kasih tip. Lagi itu saya pernah kasih tip 10rb krn kasian sama drivernya, yaoloh itu senengnya kayak apaan.
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Kayak begini fare estimationnya |
3. Simple
Like any other apps, ordering from uber is so simple, no need to talk to operators like we did back then when we want to order taxi (ketauan angkatannya ya bok). Tinggal masukin mau dijemput dimana, mau kemana, trus mau uberx apa uberblack, apps nya trus cariin driver yang lokasinya paling deket. Kalo drivernya udah ketemu, langsung muncul tuh nama driver, tipe mobilnya apa, nomor platnya brp, no telponnya berapa. Jadi kalau mau apa2 tinggal telpon atau sms drivernya. Saya biasanya minta dijemput di lobi kantor, jadi gak repot manggil taksi, gak perlu jalan ke depan dan ngawe2 taksi lewat.
4. Fast
Seperti yang gue mention di atas, uber will find drivers that are closest to us. So usually will not take more than 15 minutes until our ride come to pick us up.
Seperti yang gue mention di atas, uber will find drivers that are closest to us. So usually will not take more than 15 minutes until our ride come to pick us up.
Tuh ETA (alias perkiraan kedatangan) cuman 3 menit, padahal udah jam 10 malem |
5. Trackable
For kepoers like myself, it's fun to see where your ride is. The apps tracks the vehicle bases on gps, so we can see directly where our ride is, to prevent them going on the wrong way too (pernah sih ngalamin driver yang nyasar, untung langsung di-call jadi nyasarnya gak jauh)
6. Clean and (rather) comfy cars
Since I'm always on a budget, I always go with UberX and usually I get a Xenia. But so far all the Xenias that I have used are in good shape and are in my acceptable comfortness level. At least better dari most of taksi sih, biasanya kalau naik taksi saya soalnya udahannya suka mual gimana gitu.
Since I'm always on a budget, I always go with UberX and usually I get a Xenia. But so far all the Xenias that I have used are in good shape and are in my acceptable comfortness level. At least better dari most of taksi sih, biasanya kalau naik taksi saya soalnya udahannya suka mual gimana gitu.
7. No cash, no hassle
When you register to uber, you will need to input your credit card details. All uber charges will be charged to your cc instantly, so no need for cash. Really useful for someone who (most of the time) forget/lazy to draw some cash from the atm.
When you register to uber, you will need to input your credit card details. All uber charges will be charged to your cc instantly, so no need for cash. Really useful for someone who (most of the time) forget/lazy to draw some cash from the atm.
8. Receipt
After every ride with Uber, you will be emailed of your detailed ride with the charges. Useful for those who ride for business purposes and need receipts for reimbursement purposes.
After every ride with Uber, you will be emailed of your detailed ride with the charges. Useful for those who ride for business purposes and need receipts for reimbursement purposes.
9. GPS connected
When you ride, Uber will show the driver how to get to your destination, so you can sit back and get some sleep (penting juga nih). Biasanya sih gw akan bilang kl udh sampe pamulang tolong bangunin, saya mau tidur. Hehehe.. Ketauan kan dimana rumah saiah.
When you ride, Uber will show the driver how to get to your destination, so you can sit back and get some sleep (penting juga nih). Biasanya sih gw akan bilang kl udh sampe pamulang tolong bangunin, saya mau tidur. Hehehe.. Ketauan kan dimana rumah saiah.
10. Free rides!
Hahaaay I am saving the best for last! Do you know that you can get a free ride with Uber? All you have to do is install the apps and put in this promo code :
Hahaaay I am saving the best for last! Do you know that you can get a free ride with Uber? All you have to do is install the apps and put in this promo code :
Then you automatically will get your free ride worth of 75rb. Mengingat ke pamulang aja 50rb, kayaknya 75rb bisa buat skitar 30-35 km. Mayan lah dari mungkin sudirman - pamulang gt.
Udah gitu, kita juga bisa bagiin kode voucher kita sendiri ke temen2 kita yang belum pernah pake uber. Dengan begitu, mereka akan dpt their first free ride, and we will also get free rides everytime kode promo kita dipake sama temen kita. Menyenangkan ya?
Jadi inget yah, kalau mau buktiin kalau pake uber itu nagih, nyicipin aja first free ride nya, pake kode UBERPASIQUE yaaa..
Note : ini bukan review berbayar ya, simply karena demen banget aja naik Uber (dan demi free rides hahaha..)
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